All posts by Peter McCracken

Eight new resources added to premium database

There’s lots of news to post here, and I’ll get to it as quickly as I can. First things first, though: I added content from eight new resources yesterday. Indexes from the following resources are now in the premium database:

The two Silverstone volumes now put indexes from all five volumes of Paul Silverstone’s “US Navy Warship series” in As always, lots more content is always in the works.

Content, Conferences, and Enhancements

Oh, man. I’m so far behind in updating the world on what is up to. A few important points:

New content. I uploaded several files today. So far, they’ve included:

The first fills a brief gap; I had already imported volumes 2 and 3, but had had a problem with volume 1, which I’ve since fixed. The last resource, H. T. Lenton’s volume, is a really big, important one. It’s got just over 23,000 citations in it. Many of these are for unnamed vessels, such as Landing Crafts, with names like “LCM.21” or “LCM.234”. I think this is important content for those doing research on these rarely-known vessels. I wrote a lot about the processing I did on this one on the resource’s information page here.

I’m very pleased to get this one imported; it adds immeasurably to the World War II content for those doing in-depth research into naval movements during the war.

With these additions, we’re now just 24 citations short of 1,325,000 citations. Perhaps I’ll find a small set to add some time today.

Past Conference. Two weeks ago (man, time flies!), we went to Salt Lake City for the National Genealogical Society conference. That was a great event, and we had a super time talking with genealogists and learning how we can improve the product we provide for them. We also had a fine time talking with folks from other companies who we can partner with, to the benefit of all involved.

There’s so much to do as a followup on that, and we’re working away on it. That’s a good problem to have, but wow, what a pile of work on our plates. On top of all of that, I’m still working on adding content, and Mike is plugging away at enhancements and new features. Both of us are also working on some neat possible partnerships, plus adding institutional subscribers here and there.

Ship Normalization. Speaking of new enhancements, Mike has built a really valuable new tool that will have a huge impact on a lot of the data that we have from a few major resources. One drawback of projects where a print resource (especially a 19th century one) is digitized and put online is that the print-specific space-saving conventions are applied to an online environment. For example, the schooner Abbot Lawrence is represented in different volumes as “Abbot L’wr’nce”, “Abbott Law’nce”, “Abbott Lawr’nce”, and (obviously) “Abbot Lawrence”. All of them mean describe the same vessel, and in a print volume, that’s easily discerned. But online, the computer doesn’t know that when you search for “Abbott Lawrence,” you’d also like to see the other variations above. That is, unless you have Mike on your side, who has created a tool so that we can bring them all together (that is, ‘normalize’ them). And that’s what we’re doing. The process is quick and accurate, though there are enough entries that it’ll take quite a while.

But, we’re doing it, and we’re making all those other entries available, despite the proliferation of apostrophes.

Next Conference. Finally, I’m headed to a conference at Mystic Seaport tomorrow – it’s a joint conference for a number of organizations, including the Council of American Maritime Museums, the North American Society for Oceanic History, the Steamship Historical Society of America, the National Maritime Historical Society, and the Society for Nautical Research. What a group!

I’m looking forward to telling folks there about, and I hope I won’t run out of brochures. If you’re going, and would like to get together at some point, please drop me a line.

New Content: Mariner’s Mirror, and NRS volumes

Some really great content has been added recently. First is a pile of Navy Records Society volumes, specifically:

Second is ten years of the index, volumes 56 to 65, of Mariner’s Mirror. Mariner’s Mirror is the standard scholarly journal in maritime history. It’s published in Britain, by the Society for Nautical Research, and will celebrate its first centenary next year. Adding all the available indexes of Mariner’s Mirror is an important project for me, and I’m glad I was able to get this first set of files loaded. I have many more files of indexes to load, and I’ll get to them as quickly as I can.

I haven’t decided if I’ll add future indexes to this specific file, and expand its range, or have separate files for the different indexes that were published. It depends a bit on how each file works out. In this case, for instance, I expanded nearly every nationality abbreviation in the index, plus did a lot of other cleanup work. It took a long time to do. I believe it was worth it, and was the right thing to do, but it really did take a while. So, how will I balance future indexes, and will I be able to make them appear essentially the same as this data? If so, I’ll most likely just expand this one file.

Salt Lake City, here we come…

The team is headed to the National Genealogical Society conference, in Salt Lake City, tomorrow. We’re very excited about this — it’ll be our first big place to advertise the service for individuals, and we’re very much looking forward to getting as much feedback as we can. We’ll have brochures, bottle openers, stickers, and probably some candies at the booth, along with some new banners and display stuff.

Plus, we’ll have a special subscription offer for attendees of the NGS conference, so please come by and say hello, pick up a brochure, and learn about our special offer.

Exhibits open on Wednesday at 9:30, and are open until 5pm. On Thursday and Friday, exhibits are open 9 to 5, and on Saturday they’re open 9 to 3. The exhibit hall is open to the public, without charge, so if you’re in the area, please come by BOOTH 612 to check us out and to say hello.

Comments catastrophe!

OK, maybe not “catastrophe,” but it looks like we haven’t received any comments that folks submitted via our ‘contact us’ form, since the end of March. If you emailed us directly, which you can always do, at comments (at) shipindex (dot) org, then we did get it. But if you submitted it via the form, we didn’t. Many apologies.

We’ll get the form fixed asap, and I’ll update this post, and add a new post, when we know it’s working again. Our tech team has a bug running through it (the kind that affects humans, not the kind that affects computers), so we’re a bit understaffed today. As a result, it might take us a day or so to troubleshoot and fix the problem. Until then, and after if you prefer, feel free to email us at comments (at) shipindex (dot) org, or email me directly at peter (at) shipindex (dot) org.

Oh, we also added three Navy Records Society volumes yesterday, and got another one complete and ready to be loaded very soon. Also, we’ve been working on an absolutely enormous file for weeks and weeks and weeks, and I hope it’ll be done very soon. Man, I’ll be glad to be done with that file. Sheesh.


Is there a better way to present this data?

I’ve been working on a big file that’s going to be very useful to subscribers, especially those interested in World War II vessels. H.T. Lenton’s tome, British and Imperial Warships of the Second World War, is an incredible resource. Its 750+ pages are absolutely jam-packed with useful content, but it has presented me with a few challenging issues about how to manage this data. I thought I’d describe some of it here, explain what my plan is, and see if the greater good has any better suggestions. There’s still time to modify how this resource is managed. I’ve probably invested at least 30 full hours in preparing this file – and that doesn’t include a significant amount of work done by another person before me – and I still have a long way to go. But that’s what it takes, sometimes, to get a resource like this one ready to add to the database.

The first part of this remarkable volume looks at larger, named vessels, organized by vessel type and class. As one example, the “Corvettes and Frigates” section is divided into entries on the “Flower” class, the “River” class, the “Kil-” class, and four more classes. (The introduction has several fascinating paragraphs about the peregrinations of naming vessels, and shows how complicated the whole process was. A fair bit of background knowledge is required just to understand this section!) After some commentary on the design and development of the class, Lenton provides tables showing brief history information for every vessel in a class. Information may be quite extensive, or it might consist of as little as an indication of the intended builder and the approximate cancellation date (for example, for vessels ordered but not begun before the war ended).

This works fine for named vessels, but creates a conundrum for unnamed vessels. In the LCM (Landing Craft Mechanised) section, for example, the index notes that “LCM.21-118” appear on pg 490; “LCM.119-220” on pg 491, “LCM.221-334” on pg 492, etc. Of the 100+ ships on each page, though, just two to three dozen have any information at all about the vessel, and that information is slight, at best. For the LCMs, most have no Building or Completion information. Of the ones that have “Fate” information, it usually reads something like “Lost cause unknown Algiers ../11/42.” (Meaning it was lost in November 1942, but the exact date and cause is not known.)

To me, this information might be useful to someone, and I don’t want to not include the entry for that vessel. But for each one like that, there are several where no information at all is included, and I believe that adding an entry to should imply that at least SOMETHING is available in the resource. So I’ve decided that what I’ll do is expand entries like “LCM.21-118” to be “LCM.21”, “LCM.22”, “LCM.23”, etc., up to “LCM.118”. Then I’ll compare my list with the book itself. If there’s any information at all about the vessel, I’ll keep the entry. If there is no information beyond its listing on the page – nothing about where it was built, or how it was lost, for instance – then I’ll delete it. My thought is that if the volume offers one piece of information, I’ll include the vessel name in the index.

Still, it’s worth noting that for people who are working on an unlisted LCM, the volume may contain information about the LCM class that might be relevant. And if you’re looking for an image of a specific auxiliary vessel, it may be that an image of a different vessel in the same class will do. It appears that the most common vessel type in which this will apply will be the LCMs, of which several thousand were built, but it will be interesting to see how it actually turns out.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I be handling this in some other way? Is there some other way that I should note the amount of information presented? I’d welcome your comments – if there’s a better way of doing it, now’s the time for me to hear about it.

Two new institutional subscribers

I’m pleased to report that two institutions have signed up for institutional subscriptions in the past week. Everyone at the world headquarters is excited about this. The two institutions are pretty far away from each other: East Carolina University, which offers an excellent Masters program in Maritime Studies (admittedly, as a graduate of that program, I might be a bit biased), and the Australian National Maritime Museum, in Sydney. So, while they may be some 9700 miles apart from each other, they share excellent company. (BTW, try using Google Maps to get driving directions from one to the other. In a nutshell, drive across the country to Gas Works Park in Seattle, kayak 2756 miles to Hawaii, drive down to Honolulu, then get back in the kayak and paddle 3879 miles to Japan. Why even stop in Hawaii? Really, Google? You then still need to paddle another 3300 miles down to the top of Australia, and then drive down to Sydney. I think it would be easier to just drive the 100+ miles to the Outer Banks, and start paddling from there, through the Panama Canal, and straight down to Sydney. But who am I to questions Google Topeka?)

Any individual associated with ECU (that is, any student, faculty, or staffmember) can access the complete database within Joyner Library, anywhere on campus, or from home. Anyone working from within the ANMM library, in Sydney, can similarly access the entire premium database.

Several other institutions are currently trialing If you’re affiliated with an institution that you think might benefit from access to the database, please have them give us a call. We’re still offering significant plankowner discounts that can save them a lot of money.

Index to Nautical Research Journal added

This blog is slightly delayed, but it’s definitely better late than never. I added some particularly valuable content last week and haven’t yet mentioned it here on the blog. In addition to several books, I’ve added entries from the first 40 years of Nautical Research Journal, 1948 to 1995. This is particularly valuable to researchers because NRJ is written for model shipbuilders, so it provides lots of technical and specific information about individual vessels. Just a day or two after adding it, I was able to put it to great use in assisting one subscriber in looking for an illustration of a specific ship. Among just these three resources, I added over 15,500 new citations, and over 1600 completely new vessels. The specific resources just added are:

As always, if you come across specific resources that you’d like to see added, please let us know, at comments (at) shipindex (dot) org. Trial at Coastal Carolina Univ

Students, faculty, and staff at Coastal Carolina University can access a trial of the institutional version of for the next month or so. Please check it out. More information is posted at the News from Kimbel Library blog. If you use it in Kimbel Library and find it useful, please be sure to tell a librarian.

Several other institutions are also running trials of — is yours? If not, check with your friendly reference librarian or electronic resources librarian and ask them to contact us to see about getting one set up. (We provide institutional subscriptions to — and therefore run trials for — public libraries, academic libraries, historical societies, maritime museums, and more. It may be that an institution you know could provide access for you so you don’t need to subscribe yourself!)