More new content, and a new relationship

I’ve added the following content since the last time I posted a list:

I’d like to highlight a few bits of this. First, I’ve now added an additional 15 years of indexes from Mariner’s Mirror, for a total of 25 years. Mariner’s Mirror is almost certainly the most important journal in maritime history, so it’s great to have that content added here. I will keep working through the remaining indexes, and hope to have them added soon.

Second, I want to point out the content I’ve added from I contacted Mick there, to see if he could provide a file of its content so I could add that to, and he did me one better – he created a way for me to get a completely updated file on the content in whenever I want.

From the files he automatically generates, I take a lot of information – see, for example, the information for La Surveillante. But remember that he’s got lots more information at his site; this just tells you that you should be checking out what he’s got over there. And if you didn’t know about before searching, then you’ve found information you didn’t have before!

This is great, and I look forward to more of these relationships. We’re actively working on others, but I’m thrilled that the first one, with, is now live. Thanks a ton, Mick!

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