Category Archives: New Content

More new content

It’s been over six weeks since I last posted a list of recently-added content, so of course there’s tons more waiting to be listed here. In mid-May, the ShipIndex team met up in Washington, DC, and visited the Library of Congress. We collected indexes to a ton of titles that we hadn’t found elsewhere, and we’ve processed some of those titles already. A lot more are still waiting to go through the whole process, and will be added over the next few months.

As always, we welcome recommendations and suggestions for titles that should be added to the ShipIndex database.

The following content has been added to the database since my last update:

As mentioned above, lots more is still to come!


More new content

I’m kind of astounded by the amount of new content we’re adding here, but here comes another list. There’s some new stuff in this list — through some work with the folks at Findmypast, the genealogy research company, we’re creating links to the passenger and crew lists that are available on that site. If you’re already a subscriber to Findmypast, you’ll be able to get it to the resource easily. If you’re not,  you might want to consider joining, to take a look at what you’ll find there. Of course, we can’t guarantee how much or what sort of information will be in the Findmypast databases, but it might be worth an investigation. You just never know what you’ll find, and that’s really the whole point of More Findmypast content will be coming soon, as will many more monographs, and even some journal indexes that I found recently.

Without further ado, here’s what’s been added in the past few weeks:

More files will be uploaded soon, and many more are being processed. I’m working on the Roebuck Society volumes, which will be incredibly valuable for researchers interested in early Australian and New Zealand history. We now have nearly all Navy Records Society volumes in the database. In early May, we venture to the Library of Congress, to collect still more content! Now’s the time to tell me about other titles you’d like to see added — send us a note at comments (at) shipindex (dot) org.

The new content just keeps rolling in

I cannot believe how much additional content we’ve gotten into the database in the last several weeks. Here’s a list of content added since my last post:

As always, lots more will follow soon. And always feel free to let us know if you have titles  you think we should add. Send it to comments (at) shipindex (dot) org.

Can’t keep up with the new content….

It just keeps coming; I think we’ve added content from nearly 200 titles in the past six months or so. As of today, the full database contains “3,316,336 citations to ships in 729 resources”, and I know a lot more is waiting to be loaded. And, I’m planning trips to libraries this weekend, and to the Library of Congress in May, to collect still more.

Here’s what’s been added in the past two weeks:

So, there are good chances to get to the rare and unusual books that haven’t yet been added to the database. Let us know if you know of a title that should be added — comments (at) shipindex (dot) org.

In another data update, we’ve added full-text page links for all of the Navy Records Society volumes that are available through HathiTrust, meaning all pre-1924 volumes. Some links might not work if you’re accessing HathiTrust from a country that has different copyright laws, but hopefully most people will  now have more full-text access from home.

New online content added recently

We’re now moving to adding a bunch of online content. Here’s a list of online (and some print) resources that have been added in the past three weeks:

We also updated an online site that moved; unfortunately, this happens often. We don’t always hear about these URL changes, so if you see something that doesn’t work, please do let us know. And if you know of some other online resources that should be added to, so people know they mention specific ships, please let us know at comments (at) shipindex (dot) org.

Another collection of new content

It should be abundantly clear by now that we have a crack team working away on data; we’ve added indexes from hundreds of new titles to the database over the past year. It’s just not stopping, either. The indexes to the following books (and one online resource) have been added to since my last listing of content, on December 31:

As always, we welcome suggestions for new content to add, and we’d love to work with publishers who want to ensure that their content is discoverable! Send a note to comments (at) shipindex (dot) org to see how we can work together on this.

Nearly New Year; Lots more Additional Content


With a new year comes lots more content. Indexes to the following resources have been added to in the past month.

We continue to add primarily monographic content, and I think that each month I say we’ll be posting new online content soon. Well, don’t worry, we will. The great thing about printed content is that it’s not going anywhere. It might take some time to locate, but it’ll be there, which is more than can be said for online content. 

As always, if you have suggestions for content to add, please don’t hesitate to tell me! Leave a comment here, or send an email to comments (at) shipindex (dot) org. 

Wishing you the best for a great 2019!

Another round of new content

I can’t emphasize how excited I am to have so much new monographic (ie, book) content getting added to the ShipIndex database. The proverbial “we” of ShipIndex, which has mostly been “me”, has been enhanced by the addition of several great people, including one who has been doing yeoman’s work in getting files ready to be added to the database. This has been a game-changer, and a reason why we’re adding so many new monographic titles.

An aside: adding book content is really great. When we can find the book in Google Books or Hathi Trust, we add links to it. But when we can’t, it can be frustrating to end users that the content isn’t immediately available online. However — it is available. Just follow the “find in a library” link as one easy way to find out if a library near you owns the book. If they don’t, see if your local library can obtain a copy for you from another library, through Interlibrary Loan. They *want* to get you the book, and most of the time, they don’t charge you at all! (So, be kind, and support your local library! In fact, I’m writing this on #GivingTuesday, so today’s as good a day as any to support your local library!)

Online resources are great; they’re immediately available! Until they’re not. And then they’re gone for good. Books are almost never “gone for good.” Even if you can’t get a copy now, maybe the next time you take a trip to a bigger city, or to a town with a research library, you can check before you go to see if the book you want is available there. (Just repeat the “Find in a library” link, but put in the ZIP code or postal code of the city you’re visiting.) Having a reason to visit a library in a different city is a great thing!

Last month, I went to New York City for a big maritime event. I went a few days early, so I could do a ton of research at the New York Public Library, and it was an absolute blast. It was so much fun to walk around all the tourists (while secretly being one, as well) and go in to the Rose Reading Room to collect books that had been pulled from storage for me. Wow wow wow.

Anyway, back to the content. Here’s a list of titles added since my last update, which was only a few weeks ago:

As you can see, all of these are the start of the alphabet! (We organize them by author name, for the most part.) More to come, soon!

Even more new content!

In August, I posted a bunch of new content added to the database. We’re really on a roll here, and are adding more and more all the time. Here’s a list of titles that have been added since my last posting of new content:

As you can see, this is vaguely focused on the early part of the alphabet (when looking at authors’ names). Lots, lots more is being processed as I type, and I’m headed to the New York Public Library this coming week to gather even more.

If you know of a title whose index you think should be added to, please do let me know!

Still more new content!

This time last month I posted a list of several dozen new resources added to the database. I have a bunch more to list today.

The following have been added since I posted that list:

For the Naval Documents collection from the Quasi-War, we did some extra work on the files to ensure that the Captains names are findable in the index, and are connected with the appropriate entry. I’ll add a post soon with more information on how best to find those captains in the database.

We continue moving forward with more content; I plan to go collect more today, in fact. It’ll take some time to get it processed and added,  but it’s all moving along. All of the above, and what I collect today, will be from books, but we’ll also soon be turning to online resources, as well. As always, please let me know about any titles or resources that you think should be added.